Jewel Loom Class Supplies

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Here is the supply list for the Jewel Loom Class, Thursday February 25 at 6:30 At the Clark Micheals

81 2 hole Tiles (I got mine at AC Moore) they come in Strands of 25

they are Two-Hole Czech Glass 6mm

162 11/0 Seed beads if you want to do the picot edge side

Wild Fire beading string or Fireline

Jewel Loom


beading Needle (0ne comes with the Jewel Loom)

1/4 ” Ribbon (I will bring some)

3/4″ Ribbon Ends ( I have a bunch in different finishes I will bring to sell)

Clasp (I have not decided what clasp I am using yet it will probably be a magnetic one)


Happy Beading

No Rules Just Fun!


Wiggle Jiggle Class reminder!

Hi All

I am really looking forward to this class.  I loved making this set.  And I can’t wait to finish my 2nd one with all of you.

Here is the supply list again.  I received the Bead order so I will have those for everyone that ordered them on Thursday.

Here is what you will need for Class One

Bracelet and Earrings

135 jump rings  16 gauge 5mm ID


2 earring wires

44 teardrop beads (unicorns beads)

bead mat

2 flat nose pliers

Class 2 will be the matching Necklace

115  Jumprings 16 gauge 5mm ID


4 end caps

SLon or CLon cord for Kumi

8/0 seed beads  about 900

Bead mat

2 flat nose pliers

kumi board

weight if you like to use one

bobbins if you like to use them

please let me know if you have any Questions

Class one Bracelet and earrings is

Thursday Jan 28th

Class two Matching Necklace

Thursdau February 4th

Happy Beading


Last one for today On my Bead Board

Another fun Kumi project using Super Duo’s and 8/0 seed beads. Not completely finished but you can see it will be beautiful. So I will probably add this to my class list for March or April

Happy Beading


On my Bead Board 

Jewel loom project. This will be the class for February I will post the date and supply this this weekend.  I love adding the little embellishments on the side. Makes it even more special


On my Bead Board today

Crystals and pearls beaded beads. So much fun to make. Once I finish a bunch I will attach to some kumi. More pictures to come as I complete the project  


Another project in the works

This one is for Lynne. Thanks Lynne for giving me a great idea

This is what the bracelet will look like, I ran out of magatama’s so I can’t finish the necklace and earrings


Finished It!!!

So what do you think.  I love it. Bracelet and earrings

Having such a great time in AC beading away the time. Today we made soap too. Pictures tomorrow of the finished soap